The word Quran means "recitation," and the Quran is a collection of scriptures that testify to the many prophets, messengers of God, whom he sent to guide humankind. It is regarded as holy book of Islam transmitted from God through the angel Gabriel to Muhammad in 7th century Arabia. Ashab E Kahf islamic Full Movie In Urdu The word Quran means "recitation," and the Quran is a collection of scriptures that testify to the many prophets, messengers of God, whom he sent to guide humankind. It is regarded as holy book of Islam transmitted from God through the angel Gabriel to Muhammad in 7th century Arabia. Ashab E Kahf islamic Full Movie In Urdu The Quran was revealed in pieces over a period of 23 years, beginning in 610 CE when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death. The chapters or suras are arranged roughly from the longest to the shortest. Many suras contain recitations from verse to verse with no break between them. Each sura except one begins with the "Bismillah" ("In the name of God"). The arrangement of the Quran is generally based on increasing length of chapters from right to left. The chapters are broken into suras, then verses, then individual "ayat" or "signs." A single chapter in the Quran consists of several verses. Within each chapter but one, the suras are arranged roughly in order of descending size. The division into chapters was an early practice of Muslims, but structure of the present suras came later. Muhammad lived in Mecca for about 12 years before migrating to Medina in 622 CE (1 AH). Muslims believe that Muhammad was ordered by God to preach Islam not only in Mecca but wherever he went. The first revelation Muhammad received was "Read" (). Shortly thereafter, he claimed to have had a vision of the angel Gabriel who gave him the command to "read" (). Muhammad is said to have protested that he could not read, but Gabriel repeated "read", whereupon Muhammad responded ""ara"" ("I cannot"). Gabriel then brought him a stony tablet on which the word Muhammad was distressed upon receiving this first revelation. According to tradition, he was consoled and reassured by his friend Abu Bakr that he had been chosen as a prophet by God. After recovering from the shock of the experience, Muhammad went home and told his wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid about what happened. Khadijah suggested Muhammad to calm down and to wait until the following year, when he could go to the mountain of Hira to pray. During the annual pilgrimage, Gabriel appeared to Muhammad in a cave on Mt. Hira and commanded Muhammad to "read". This time, Muhammad replied "I can read!"; Gabriel praised him for his acceptance. Muhammad was concerned that people might think he was a madman or a fraud as he had formerly been called "the madman" before being called "the prophet." He consulted with his friends regarding what God's message might be. They told him his experiences were supernatural and that he should become a prophet of God. 8eeb4e9f32 24
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